How to Know if Someone Uninstalled WhatsApp in 2023

how to know if someone uninstalled whatsapp

Sometimes we find ourselves wondering how to know if someone uninstalled WhatsApp, especially when they have not been active on WhatsApp for a while. Whether it’s a family, friend, or business partner. If you ever find yourself wondering if they have uninstalled WhatsApp on their device. There are several ways for you to know, and I am going to share these tips with you

How to know if someone uninstalled WhatsApp

WhatsApp has no official way of informing its users that their contacts have uninstalled WhatsApp. But there are few tips for people looking for how to know if someone has uninstalled WhatsApp. These few ways are;

Check last seen

The first tip on how to know if someone uninstalled WhatsApp is by checking their last seen. When WhatsApp is uninstalled for a while, the person’s last seen will no longer show a recent date.
So when your contacts’ last seen are displaying any time, it could mean that the person has uninstalled WhatsApp. Although it is not 100% reason to conclude that a person has uninstalled WhatsApp.

Send them a message

The next tip on how to know if someone uninstalled WhatsApp is by sending a message to them. Just type a message that doesn’t make it look as if you are monitoring the person on WhatsApp. However, if the person is a close friend or family that you can be direct with, then go ahead and ask them directly.
If they reply to your message, then it’s a sure indicator that they have not uninstalled WhatsApp. If you asked the person directly if they have uninstalled WhatsApp, you will be able to get a satisfying reply, and you can tell if the person uninstalled and reinstalled WhatsApp.

How to know if someone deleted their WhatsApp account

For those people searching for how to know if someone uninstalled WhatsApp. It is quite different from deleting WhatsApp. When someone deletes their WhatsApp, the person is erasing their details from the platform. When someone deletes their WhatsApp, you will be able to tell because of the following signs;

No profile picture

When someone deletes their account, the first thing you may notice is that their profile picture will disappear. Although it’s not a clear indication because when someone blocks you on WhatsApp, the same thing happens.
It is also one of the major differences between uninstalling WhatsApp and deleting a WhatsApp account. If it’s just uninstalling, the profile picture will still be intact.

The person will not appear on your WhatsApp contact

If you are looking for how to know if someone uninstalled WhatsApp, you can still use this method. Delete your chat with the person and search for the person on your phone contact. If you see the WhatsApp logo on the contact when you click on it, the person has not deleted their WhatsApp account. The person probably just uninstalled it.

When you search for it through WhatsApp, you will be required to invite the person to WhatsApp if the person deleted their WhatsApp account. It’s like the person just disappeared from WhatsApp. But if the person just uninstalled it, then you can open the chat and send them messages.

What happens when you uninstall WhatsApp

If you know what happens when you uninstall WhatsApp, then you can tell how to know if someone uninstalled WhatsApp. The following happens to your WhatsApp when you uninstall it.

  • Your last seen bar will no longer show a recent date. The further you stay before reinstalling it, the closer you get to your last seen date bar not being active.
  • People’s messages will only show a single tick. As I said earlier, it’s one of the tips on how to know if someone uninstalled WhatsApp.
  • WhatsApp calls will not ring on your phone. Forget about receiving calls on WhatsApp so long as WhatsApp remains uninstalled on your device.
  • You remain in your groups. You don’t have to worry about exiting your groups because if you did not delete your WhatsApp account, you will remain in your groups. And when you reinstall it, it will be as if you never uninstalled it.
  • If I uninstall WhatsApp and reinstall will my conversation be deleted

If you back up your chats, you will be able to recover them when you reinstall WhatsApp after uninstalling it. But if your chat was never backed up, you may lose your chats.

WhatsApp offers you opportunities to back up your conversations at intervals. Because of situations like this. But so long as you backed it up, your conversations will not be deleted.

Other WhatsApp Tips

In conclusion

I have covered all the tips on how to know someone uninstalled WhatsApp. And also how to know someone deleted a WhatsApp account. I have also answered your questions such as what happens when you send a message to someone who has deleted WhatsApp account, what happens when you call someone who deleted WhatsApp, and how to check if a WhatsApp account is active. To help you understand why your contact may not be active on WhatsApp for a while.

About Lydia Oliver 39 Articles
Her name is Lydia. She believes that everyone deserves access to the right information. This is why she writes to inform, educate, and improve the standard of living of everyone.