Are you looking forward to gifting your loved ones with data from your 9mobile line but you do not know how to transfer data on 9mobile? We have got you covered as this article contains all the information you need on how to transfer data on 9mobile to other lines.
Sometimes, it could be that your 9mobile data is about to expire and you do not want it to go to waste. And none of your family members are around to use the data with your 9mobile line in their phones or with your phone. Don’t worry, you can still transfer data from your 9mobile line to other 9mobile numbers anywhere in Nigeria.
Dial *229*9*PiN*amount of data*receiver’s number*3#.
How to transfer data on 9mobile network
There are two ways you can transfer data from your 9mobile line to another 9mobile line. You can do this using a simple USSD code or through a 9mobile multi-divide data plan which allows you to share data with 4 other numbers. Each way or method has its advantage, so read through to carefully select the one that suits you best.
9mobile Nigeria also allows a user to share data with up to 5 people per day, so if you are planning to give more than one or two people, this is definitely for you. Although you cannot transfer more than 200mb at a go, you can transfer data up to 5 times. This is because 9mobile has a maximum of 1000mb that you can transfer per day, so you can transfer up to 1000mb to a number in a day by breaking it into 5 transfers of 200mb each.
How to transfer data on 9mobile via USSD code
9mobile cares for the safety of its users, which is why you are required to set a transfer pin before you can transfer data on 9mobile network. The default pin is 0000 for every 9mobile user, if you keep using it, everyone will be able to transfer your data to another 9mobile line even without your approval.
To reset your pin, dial*247*default pin*new pin# and send. For example, if you want to set 4444 as your default pin, dial *247*0000*4444# and send it. your default pin will automatically change. Remember that you are advised to protect this pin, just the way you protect your ATM card pin.
When you are sure of your data balance, this is how to transfer data on 9mobile network or how to transfer credit on 9mobile network. Dial *229*9*PiN*amount of data*receiver’s number*3#.
For instance, if I want to transfer 200mb to 08098777999, I will simply dial *229*9*4444*200*08098777999*3# and send it.
You can also use the shorter USSD code *200#, and follow the instructions from the prompt menu. This code looks easier to dial but the process is longer.
How to transfer data on 9mobile via the 9mobile multi-divide data plan
With the 9mobile multi-divide data plan, you can share a data bundle with 4 other numbers, when you include yours, it means that you are sharing a data subscription with 5 numbers.
To include the other 4 numbers, dial *215*pin*1*new 9mobile number*puk#. You can always find your PUK number on your sim pack. When you want to register for the second number, just change the 1 to 2 and replace the 2 with 3 when you want to register for the third number. Do this to register the fourth number too by changing 3 to 4.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to transfer data on 9mobile to MTN
There is no known code for transferring bonus data from 9mobile to MTN line. But you can use any of the methods we have discussed above to transfer data on 9mobile to another 9mobile line. As soon as 9mobile releases a USSD code for transferring data on 9mobile to MTN, we will let you know immediately.
How to share data on 9mobile to other networks
Are you looking for how to transfer data on 9mobile to Airtel, how to transfer data on 9mobile to Glo, or how to transfer airtime and data on 9mobile to other networks? Well, the fact that there is no USSD code or SMS code for that yet doesn’t mean that there won’t be one in the future. And we will keep you updated, so check back on BrightBlurb to see if the 9mobile network has released a code for this.
Final note
We have covered all the ways on how to transfer data from 9mobile to another 9mobile line. You can go with any of the methods that appeal to you. Don’t forget to check back on us for the code on how to transfer data and airtime on 9mobile to other networks in Nigeria. Because we will not hesitate to update you as soon as 9mobile releases that.