How to check Glo bonus balance in 2023: New Codes

how to check glo bonus

Hello Glo users, let’s talk about how to check Glo bonus balance. We all know how generous Globacom Nigeria can be when it comes to gifting its users with loads of bonuses. 

But how do you know how much you have used out of the bonus, and how much of it is left? If you don’t know how to check Glo bonus balance, you might end up using more than you intend to. This is why we are here to guide you on how to check your bonus balances on Glo.

No more guessing how much data or airtime bonus you have left. 

How to check airtime bonus on Glo

If you have been searching for how to check Glo bonus balance, here is a happy end to your search. Because Globacom Nigeria has lots of tariff plans and each plan is loaded with its unique bonus. There are different ways of checking these bonus balances.

So, keep reading to find out ways to check Glo airtime bonus.

How to check Glo yakata balance

The Glo Yakata is another tariff plan on Glo with lots of mouth-watering offers. The best part of the Glo yakata is that it offers both airtime and data, so whichever one you are interested in, Glo yakata tariff plan is there for you. 

It offers 50mb on your first recharge every month. You also get to enjoy N350 worth of airtime when you recharge your line with N100. 

This is how to check Glo yakata bonus balance, go to your phone app and dial *230*1#, and send. All your bonuses on Glo yakata will be sent to you immediately.

To check your Glo yakata data bonus, go to your phone app and dial *777#, and send. Follow the prompts and select the first option on your screen. From the next set of options that will appear on your screen, choose 4, which is balance management. 

Your data balance on all Glo tariffs including Glo yakata will be sent to you. 

How to check airtime bonus on Glo brekete 

The next tariff plan we will look into on how to check Glo bonus balance is the Glo brekete. This Glo tariff plan offers an incredible 700% bonus on its subscribers’ recharge. Which you can use to put a call through to any mobile line in Nigeria. 

What so many people love about Glo brekete bonus is that only a fraction of the 700% bonus will be used on calls, while the remaining ones will be used for browsing. So it’s an all-around bonus.

This is how to check Glo bonus balance when you are on the Glo brekete tariff plan, dial *127*0#, and send. Details of your balances on Glo brekete will be sent to you. remember to use your bonus within 7 days as it can only last for 7 days. 

How to check data bonus on Glo 

As a Glo user, you must have gotten used to lots of data bonuses, but do you know how to check Glo bonus balance for data? Apart from Glo yakata and Glo brekete, there are other Glo tariff plans that can give you data bonuses.

To check all your bonus data balance on Glo, dial *777# and follow the prompts to check all your data bonuses. Or dial *127*0#, and the details of your data bonuses will be sent to you. 


We have provided all the answers you need on how to check Glo bonus balance. You can dial any of the USSD codes to check your Glo bonus balance, depending on your tariff plan. If you have any other question concerning this topic that you need further clarification on, please let us know in the comment section. 

We will be happy to help in any way we can.

About Theresa 96 Articles
Theresa Akpan is an SEO specialist, content writer, and content creator who has worked with several business owners, companies, bloggers, and advertising agencies. From sales copy and blog posts to website content and video scripts, she has enjoyed the opportunities they have given her to help their businesses grow. With a strong background in technology, she excels in making complex tech ideas easy to understand. She founded, a website that helps people learn about digital marketing and technology. Her unique blend of tech knowledge and creativity provides practical and inspiring insights. Theresa is eager to share her expertise with you. Connect with her on LinkedIn and Instagram for updates, questions, or collaboration opportunities.